Mary Ellen Hannibal is a long-time journalist focused on natural history and literature. Her most recent book, Citizen Scientist: Searching for Heroes and Hope in an Age of Extinction, was named [...]
Megan Miller is cofounder of Bitty Foods, a San Francisco-based company that makes snacks with cricket flour. Megan’s passions for sustainability, health and innovation have forged her [...]
Welcome to WEN Then & Now. In honor of WEN’s 20th anniversary, we’re reconnecting with our former board members in this blog series. Our first post features Jenn Fox, an environmental engineer [...]
Jean Marie Moore is the co-founder of Anasa Yoga Studio, Alameda County's only green-certified yoga studio, where she currently teaches as a certified yoga instructor and continues to grow [...]
Join the Women's Environmental Network (WEN) at the San Francisco Green Festival November 11 - 13, 2016. Stop by WEN's booth on Saturday or Sunday to meet WEN board members, learn about our plans [...]
Discover lichens in San Francisco. On October 15, 2016, join WEN's partner, Nature in the City, for a walk in the Green Hairstreak butterfly habitat conservation corridor in San Francisco. Enjoy [...]
Growing up as the only sister to eight brothers in her hometown of Richmond, California, Teresa Baker was determined not to be outdone; spending time in the outdoors became her […]
As changemakers, environmentalists, and women, how can wilderness experiences and adventures help us to be more creative and effective in our careers?
Join WEN at SF Environment for networking [...]
Join the Women's Environmental Network (WEN) as we return to one of our favorite watering holes, Woods Bar & Brewery for this free event. Mix and mingle with other environmentally focused women [...]
Rupam is currently a technical lead in the Energy Efficiency Standards Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL). At LBNL, Rupam works with the Department of Energy to develop energy […]